Monday, May 26, 2008

Well, we did it! We finally started solid foods. However, I've only had baby cereal and sweet potatoes, but mommy said we'd try carrots tomorrow. So far, so good. I love this new food adventure.


Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

LOVE THE BLOG!! Welcome to the "cool" blog's a blast! What a handsome boy you have.. can't wait to see you in a few weeks!! xoxo
check out this website...

Shannyn said...

I just found your blog- baby Ryan just gets cuter and cuter! He looks so much like his dad!

I love and miss you all and send my best wishes to the baby! Hope to see you this summer! :)

Gary Adams said...

Hey Guys! The blog looks fantastic. Glad to hear y'all were able to enjoy the weekend despite the unfortunate incidents.

I agree with Shannyn, it took me a while to see who Ry resembles; but a couple of pics shows him looking like Steve more and more as he gets older...

