Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Holidays!

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We can't believe it's already New Year's! Where does all the time go? We can hardly believe Ryan's already two. Sorry we haven't blogged in a while. We've celebrated a birthday, Christmas and now tonight will be New Year's...though I doubt Ryan will make it to midnight.....! We will be 5 months pregnant next week and all the test results that they make you do have come back negative, so we're excited about that. Ryan's getting used to the fact that a new baby will be here soon. Daddy painted the nursery and we've slowly begun moving stuff in to help prepare Ryan. He seems to be fine with all the change. I'll let you know how it goes, come May. Ryan is dying to go potty in the big boy toilet, so that's a work in progress. I never knew it would be so difficult to find little boy boxer briefs in a 2T, but we finally found some. Though we're excited about potty training, it also makes me a bit sad knowing that Ryan won't be the 'baby' anymore. Next week we will have the ultrasound that allows us to see the sex of the baby. But don't get too excited....we'll be bringing an envelope again this time too. You'll just have to wait until May. With all of the kicking and moving around inside my belly....I'm already counting down the days until May 28th! Enjoy all of the pictures.

Mommy and Ry opening presents

Thank you kisses

Are there anymore under there?

Someone has to help the doggies open their stockings!

Our little Christmas reindeer

Ryan and cousin Micheal playing with the jack in the box

We made Birthday cupckaes in our jammies on Christmas Eve

Ryan picked strawberry for his cupcakes

Pour it in

mix it

MMMM! I think I need to taste for quality

I love my birthday puzzle

and my legos

Makayla and Ryan with his party hat
When he places this hat upon his head, he runs around the house yelling "party, party" and you too must wear a hat!

Mmmm! frosting in the back of my dump truck

Ryan was SOOOO excited to see Santa, he could hardly stand it.

When it was finally his turn (after waiting an eternity; 10 minutes) he ran to Santa and could not stop smiling.

I can't stand the waiting!!!!

Mrs. Michelle invited us over for a gingerbread house party. Here are all the kids waiting patiently

Mrs. Michelle and Wyatt

Tada! (in Makayla's own words). Our finished house.

I think Ryan liked eating the candy off the house more than the house itself.

Ryan's deciding if he really wants one of these babies in his own house...???

Ryan has a hat obsession lately!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

11 Weeks

OK! So, I realize it's not the clearest picture...but here's our new little one hanging out in his or her little hammock. Look towards the right, you can see little legs already! Amazing what takes place in only 11 weeks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Lot has Happened in the Last Month!

Yep! You read my shirt right! I'm going to be a big brother! That's OK, Mommy and Daddy are still in shock too! WOW! What a surprise! We found out about a month ago. Mommy was soooo tired, so she thought "hmmmm???, Naaaa, that would be impossible." But after three home pregnancy tests, one confirmed test at the doctor's office and hearing the actual heartbeat last's possible. We've kept it quiet...just in case, but I guess we can no longer keep our BIG secret. We are all very excited...and nervous about having more tiny little feet run around the house, but we feel so blessed to be pregnant with another one without any help from infertility. I love to lift up Mommy's shirt already and point to the baby. I still can't believe that by this time next year I'll have a new baby brother or sister to play with. Mommy will be 10 weeks this week and our due date is May 28th. Are you as shocked as we are?
Mmmmmm! (Mommy doesn't really let me drink Red Bull...that's just for Daddy)
A few weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch to find A pumpkin, but we came home with a FEW pumpkins instead. We had lots of fun finding just the right one!
I like this pumpkin Daddy!

Or...maybe this one! If I could only lift it!

This ones kind of heavy Mommy, but I'll take it.

My new ride.

If you give the monkey a dollar, he'll shake your hand. Ummm, I'm not too sure about this Dad! He was cool to watch though.

Ryan & Daddy

I thought feeding the goats at the petting zoo was hilarious. Every time a goat would stick it's head in the cup, I was all giggles!

Daddy and I climbed the hay mountain.

I found a pumpkin just my size too!

Grandma, Mommy and I went to feed the ducks at the duck pond in Temecula. The ducks didn't get much of my bread though because I was more interested in eating the bread myself than feeding the ducks.

Grandma shows me how it's done.
We also went to the San Diego Zoo again. I loved the aerial tram. Here I am looking back at Grandma Cindy and Papa Chuck. I wasn't even scared!

Daddy helps me climb the jungle gym at the zoo.
Here's another goat.

Me and my friend the Gorilla!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Monkey!

Take me shooting Daddy!

Ryan found these with Daddy's work stuff and had to have them on.

After a little bribing with gummy worms, Ryan finally tried his Halloween costume on. After he had it on, he didn't want to take it off.

Mommy's little monkey playing outside.

Someone push me...please!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Now that Summer is over...

we actually have time to BLOG. Ok, well I have to admit, between Facebook, the blog, and everything in between, I just can't seem to fit it all here's our summer (in an abbreviated form if you will). So, we basically spent the entire summer in Lake Havasu. It definitely made a huge difference having a house to stay in out there. We came home a lot on the weekends to check on all of our furry family members, and yes Cowboy got to go at times also. All in all we had a wonderful summer. No one even got a sunburn! Let's see....what else is new???? Ryan gave up the binkie! The day after daddy's birthday (yes, Steven turned 34 this summer) Ryan decided it'd be OK to be a "big boy" and give them up. I kept them around the house for about a week (until I knew we were completely safe). He's done VERY well. At times (especially in the car) I MISS THE BINKIE! But I'm being a big girl! Time is flying by. I can't believe how smart our little boy is and how much he teaches us everyday. We never realized we could love another person as much as we love him. Here's a few pictures from our summer.

The famous "pouty" lip. Where'd he learn that?

Helping "clean" the garage.

Posing for the camera.

Papa Chuck pushes Ryan in his "river wagon"

Family picture time

silly as always

Cowboy and Ryan

Kisses for Daddy

This is what the boys do at the river.

Just the boys!