How I wish the summer would stay a little longer....just with cooler weather. If the summer actually ends, this will only mean one thing.....I must return to work. Only this school year will begin at a new school, in a new classroom and a new grade level. Kindergarten, here I come. Excited, yes! Nervous? To say the least!!! Anxiety? my new middle name!
As for the fam, little Ryan has just about conquered potty training. We've resorted to paying him actual money for "big" potty in the toilet. We've had many accident free days, and we're so proud of him. Just when you think you have no more patience left to give...try potty training a two year old while nursing a newborn. Dani's getting to be so big and her formula bill is beginning to cut into her college fund. I never knew a 10 week old little girl could eat so much. She loves to be held, rocked and swaddled. Daddy thinks it's amusing to sit her in front of the mirror and watch her stare at herself for what seems like forever....hey, whatever works!
For me, summer will officially end as of midnight tonight. Monday begins a new school year and learning to manage two little ones in the morning, dropping off and picking them up at daycare, and getting to work in a timely fashion. Can't wait til I actually have to do Danica's hair. I'm sure I'll still have time for my morning Starbucks run....right??? Boy am I glad I'm a morning person. So good bye summer, good bye going to bed whenever I want and rolling out of bed whenever a child runs to my bed side shouting "good morning, Mommy" (my morning boy), good bye river house and boat. Hello alarm I despise you so!
Ryan in his crab, before the Havasa heat melted it :-(
I think he knows how to operate my Iphone better than I do...and he's only 2!!!!
Baby girl on Fourth of July

Mommy and Dani. Grandma bought her her first swim suit.
Mmmmm! Spaghetti
Such a ham!
Playin in the sand
Still playin
He had to pee
pee on the rocks. Talk about confusion! You must pee pee in the toilet Ryan...except for at the river!?!???
Sleepy boy
Taking a nap on the boat! Notice the beer cuzy on his hand. He thought they were gloves. Too cute
Little fish

Daddy and Ryan at the sand bar
Cousin Sam, Me and Ry

Lounging at the riBer!
sorry to hear that summer's over.. .you'll be fine! I wish we lived closer so that we could put Jennah in your class (2 years from now!) Thanks for share the sweet pictures of your babies... I miss them SOOO much! We need to start planning now for Thanksgiving!! Jennah is SOOO in need of a Ryry-Dani fix!!
Oh your post brings back memories.. potty training/feeding.. it will fly by though look my little guy drinks big boy milk now ... ah they grow fast... love the pic of Ryan with the koozie... so cute!
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