We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. We can't believe it's already New Year's! Where does all the time go? We can hardly believe Ryan's already two. Sorry we haven't blogged in a while. We've celebrated a birthday, Christmas and now tonight will be New Year's...though I doubt Ryan will make it to midnight.....! We will be 5 months pregnant next week and all the test results that they make you do have come back negative, so we're excited about that. Ryan's getting used to the fact that a new baby will be here soon. Daddy painted the nursery and we've slowly begun moving stuff in to help prepare Ryan. He seems to be fine with all the change. I'll let you know how it goes, come May. Ryan is dying to go potty in the big boy toilet, so that's a work in progress. I never knew it would be so difficult to find little boy boxer briefs in a 2T, but we finally found some. Though we're excited about potty training, it also makes me a bit sad knowing that Ryan won't be the 'baby' anymore. Next week we will have the ultrasound that allows us to see the sex of the baby. But don't get too excited....we'll be bringing an envelope again this time too. You'll just have to wait until May. With all of the kicking and moving around inside my belly....I'm already counting down the days until May 28th! Enjoy all of the pictures.

When it was finally his turn (after waiting an eternity; 10 minutes) he ran to Santa and could not stop smiling.
AWW- love the update, he is adorable! Happy 2nd birthday RyRy! I can't believe you are going to keep us in suspense again!!!
As for the nursery, what color did you paint it? Love ya!
5 months already!?!? She'll (yes, I'm saying "she") be here before we, especially you, know it! Boxer briefs in 2T ... you're amazing! Looks like Santa came and everyone was good this year! Happy Birthday Ryry! Love you!!
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