SPRING is finally here. That means I get to wear shorts and sandals. It also means mommy has been off work for a couple of weeks. We did lots of things. I got my very own FIRST ever ear infection! That wasn't any fun. We went to the river and we also went to the Wild Animal Park.

Don't I look cute strutin' my stuff in my new clothes?

My new favorite word is UH OH! I've also learned the words bubbles (from Daddy's soda), Grandpa and Grandma.

One of my new favorite books. It has a hole in it for your face.

This is when I had my ear infection! Don't I look pitiful?

We went to the river with LaLa (Makayla) and her mommy and daddy. She's my bestest friend. Here we are discussing the Wiggles.

Isn't she as cute as a doll?

Sportin' my new...better fitting life jacket, on the boat. I was such a good boy too. While mommy and daddy launched the boat I sat there like an angel.

Here I am at the Wild Animal Park. This is the first time ever, yes FIRST time, I have ever fallen asleep in the stroller while we were out somewhere (besides just takin' a walk around the neighborhood).

Grandma helps me drive the jeep.

Someone knew right where to put the buttons so that I could reach them. I loved pushing them to hear the gorillas.

Sitting in an egg at the Park.

I liked the flamingos too.

What a cute picture of Grandma and I.

Mommy and I checkin' out something on the ground. (?)

I rode the carousel....I'm not sure if I liked it once the animals started moving.

Mmmm....gotta get the last little bit of my Gogurt.
thanks for FINALLY updating the blog! I cannot believe my eyes! Ryan's gotten SO big! People say that about Jennah... but I guess it's just because I see her everyday I don't notice it as much as they do? LOVE the new couches! Sorry you're Spring Break is over... they're never long enough!! It was so fun having your parents this weekend... I wish that you could have come too... but I expect you to come visit during the summer... but wait until we move into the new place!! Love you and miss you SOOOO much! xoxo And Happy Birthday this week!
How much fun does Ryan have?!?! The river was fun with the kids, we have to do many more trips together. You guys are always welcome to stay at the house!
Next time you head to the Wild Animal Park, let me know. I love the picture of Ryan watching the flamingos!
WOW...Ryan is so big!!! I just saw him 2 months ago...What are you feeding him? Sure looks like you all had a great spring break!! Happy Birthday Deb!!! Love and Miss you! Warmest Hugs to You, Steven and Ryan oxoxox Aunt Norie
I agree with Beth- wow, Ryan has grown!! He is such a cutie! I hope to see ya'll soon...say hi to the rest of the family and send my love!
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