We decided to conclude our summer with a trip to Solana Beach! Daddy's a river boy, mommy loves the beach and Ryan is just happy to stick his cute little toes in water of any kind!

Papa chuck and Ryry. Uncle Gary even came to visit...since he lives in San Diego now (I'm jealous) He'll even hold Ryan now that he's bigger.

We're sad to see our summer end. However, next week mommy returns to a new school year, Ryan returns to Mrs. Arlene's and Daddy must return to saving our city streets.
Having our baby boy this summer has added so much excitement to our family life. He's such a joy and we feel like the luckiest parents out there!
'bout time you put on some new stuff! I've been craving it!... SOOO jealous that you got to visit Solana Beach! The name of the shop...was... I don't remember!... maybe I need to go there again! :) LOVED all the pictures... you could have put more to make me happy! Ryry is getting SO BIG... where does the time go?... and by the way, LOVED the spiked hair!! Get that boy some gel!!
Emm, sand.
Love the pictures, sorry though that summer has to end so soon!
But still to look forward to- his first Halloween, Thanksgiving and 1st bday on Christmas!!
You guys are too cool for school in those shades! I had fun hangin' out with y'all at SolBe. Until next time...
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