Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

Daddy's first Father's Day was great! Cousin Jennah (and her Mom & Dad) came to visit from Fresno. We had a great weekend BBQing, playing, taking walks, playing and sleeping. I must be going through a growth spurt because Mommy says I slept through half the weekend!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

Smiling for the camera.
Jennah gives me kisses!

Mommy tried to feed me breakfast, but I fell asleep!

We went for a summer evening stroll (notice I'm asleep....again). PS: That's Daddy's beer, not mine :)


Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

Thank you for a WONDERFUL weekend! We wish that we were closer so that we could do it more often! :(

Ryan, lay off the beer, you might be able to stay awake longer :)

LOVE YOU!!! xoxo

Andy Norman said...

Yeah, I never thought the next Baby Einstein would be Baby Alcoholics Anonymous.

Shannyn said...

Beer and babies- the next holiday greeting card?