I love Spring break! Having breaks from work always makes me feel like a better mommy! My house always seems cleaner, my kids seem a little more calm and we have way more fun together because there's no stress about having to hurry off to work and daycare the next day! Too bad Daddy doesn't get a Spring break. Daddy and I even got to go to Vegas for a few days while Grandma and Papa watched the kiddos. We've never left them, but it was a nice break and a nice time for Mommy and Daddy to spend together. We even finally got to see a real show while in Vegas! Yeah.
As for life around here, I can't decide if summer has actually begun! It was 97 degrees the other day. But.... then again, it says we're expecting rain on Saturday! Crazy weather I say! But it allowed for a few water filled days for my Ryan and Dani to put on their swim suits and play outside with the hose. Ryan had a blast. Dani hasn't reached a verdict just yet, but I'm sure she'll come around. I can't wait to get her out on the boat this summer. I can hardly believe she's already going to be a year next month. Where does the time go?
Spring break has also allowed Ryan and I to make lots of delicious treats. Since Ryan loves to bake, we've made whoopie pies (thanks Donna) and dark chocolate brownies from scratch. We usually just make them from the box, but if you don't have an extra box of brownies lying around, you just have to make them the old fashioned way. It was so easy and I think they may be the best brownies I've ever tasted. I love Epicurious! If you've never used the app or website, they have some great recipes. And the whoopie pies, MMMMM! Mom and Daddy said I should add more frosting next time, but they were still oh so tasty dunked in coffee!
Ryan and our bear, I mean dog! Such a good dog! He loves to play in the hose too!
Dani girl and Krash. Don't we all wish we could look as cute in a bathing suit like that!

Playing with the hose.

Spraying Mommy

Junk in my trunk????

Pretty as a picture
Dani in the sunlight
Ryan pushing Dani on one of those weird weather days.
Sweet kisses