we actually have time to BLOG. Ok, well I have to admit, between Facebook, the blog, and everything in between, I just can't seem to fit it all in...so here's our summer (in an abbreviated form if you will). So, we basically spent the entire summer in Lake Havasu. It definitely made a huge difference having a house to stay in out there. We came home a lot on the weekends to check on all of our furry family members, and yes Cowboy got to go at times also. All in all we had a wonderful summer. No one even got a sunburn! Let's see....what else is new???? Ryan gave up the binkie! The day after daddy's birthday (yes, Steven turned 34 this summer) Ryan decided it'd be OK to be a "big boy" and give them up. I kept them around the house for about a week (until I knew we were completely safe). He's done VERY well. At times (especially in the car) I MISS THE BINKIE! But I'm being a big girl! Time is flying by. I can't believe how smart our little boy is and how much he teaches us everyday. We never realized we could love another person as much as we love him. Here's a few pictures from our summer.