Mommy thought it was due time she updated our blog. I'm almost eleven months old you know. I can do all sorts of new things too. I can't wait until my first Thanksgiving this week, and right after that comes my birthday and Christmas. I can hardly believe I'm almost a year old. I'm not walking yet, but I'm definitely cruising around the living room holding on to all the furniture. I've learned to blow kisses, open all the kitchen drawers and pull a few doggie tails. Here are a few of my latest pics.

Here's my messy face.

All dressed up ready for my Christmas pictures. Don't I look handsome?

I love to play with my new drum set.

Here I am with my drum sticks.

I love to play with the remotes and the coasters.

This is how Cowboy "does" the laundry.

I am fascinated with Mommy and Daddy's wedding album.

Mommy thinks this is the cutest picture. I am actually holding a picture of my friend Makayla. I love to kiss the picture of her, and mommy just had to take my picture. I'm sure this picture will embarrass me someday.